Must we resort to geoengineering to solve the climate crisis, one may ask when frustrated at the lack of progress in cutting climate emissions. How much do we know about these kinds of measures? What can we achieve and what do we risk, by trying such “quick fixes”?
Benjamin Sovacool
Benjamin Sovacool is Professor of Energy Policy at the University of Sussex Business School in the United Kingdom and is a research fellow at the Western Research Institute connected to NORADAPT. In this tenth NORADAPT webinar on January 26th 2022 at 15:00, Sovacool will present the GENIE project. GENIE investigates advantages and risks with current technologies to remove greenhouse gases and reflect sun radiation back in to space.
These technologies are controversial, but are increasingly debated as a necessary addition, or a last resort, to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
See recording on the webinars page.