Noradapt webinar: What to take away from the latest IPCC report

On the 28th of February , the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changepublished another report from the sixth assessment report. In it, they conclude that climate change will harm nature more that was believed earlier. In the Noradapt webinar on March 10, the researchers in the Noradapt international scientific council will discuss the new findings.

The latest news from the IPCC is gloomy: It is now more urgent than earlier believed to transition to a climate robust development. Both to limit climate change and to adapt society, while working for sustainable development. The IPCC underlines that to preserve ecosystems is fundamental to succeed with climate robust development.

What does this mean, and how should we relate to the findings in the report?

The Noradapt International Scientific Council will discuss the findings in the report and how the new situation will affect us now and in the future.

The Webinar is at March 10 at 13:00–15:00 in English.

You can participate for free (open to all):

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