Climate consequences Rogaland

Assessing the consequences of climate change on nature and society in Rogaland - challenges, opportunities and priorities

In 2020, Rogaland will have its first county-wide climate adaptation plan, and Noradapt will provide an important part of the knowledge base.

The academic contribution is about describing the challenges and opportunities of climate change for the municipalities in Rogaland. The researchers from Western Norway Research Institute, CICERO and NORCE Social Sciences will propose measures and priorities for measures for Rogaland County Municipality. They will also contribute to compiling existing information on the consequences of climate change for nature and society in Rogaland.

financial consequences

Noradapt si utgreiing om klimakonsekvensar i Rogaland skal hjelpe Rogaland fylkeskommune i skrivinga av Regionalplan for klimatilpasning i Rogaland 2020-2050. Planen skal vedtakast hausten 2020.

Noradapt will map the consequences of climate change for different types of land in the county, with the main emphasis on vulnerability and robustness. In order to make the challenges concrete for the county municipality, the researchers will perform scenario assessments in selected areas. The economic consequences of climate change in various areas of society receive the greatest attention in this study.

Local profiles

The researchers aim to create climate profiles at the municipal level. Such profiles can be an important tool for systematizing local climate knowledge, as regional or county-specific climate profiles can become too general.

THREE steps

The work Noradapt performs for Rogaland County Council is divided into three sections:

  1. Analyze the overall consequences of climate change on nature and society in Rogaland

  2. Identify vulnerable and robust areas in Rogaland and discuss status, scenario and example

  3. Assess whether one can develop local climate profiles with an ecosystem approach, ie make connections between climate effects and what kind of habitat types characterize an area.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute is a subcontractor of local climate analyzes in the project.

Read reports from the project on Western Norway Research Institutes's website.

START date: 20.08.19

end date: 31.12.19